Identify this histological layer of the digestive system. C serosa muscularis mucosa submucosa [#FRAME:"ABM1S2A"] EXAM_1 Identify this digestive organ. D gallbladder pancreas small intestine liver rectum [#FRAME:"ABM1S1B"] EXAM_2 Identify this digestive organ. B gallbladder pancreas small intestine liver rectum [#FRAME:"ABM1S1B"] EXAM_3 Foodstuff will move through the trachea just prior to entering the esophagus.B true false [#FRAME:"ABM1S3B"] NONE Which of the following is false? E amylase—carbohydrate digestion in the mouth pepsin—protein digestion in the stomach lipase—breaks downs fats in the intestine sucrase—breaks down sucrose into monosaccharides in the intestine All of the above are correct. [#FRAME:"ABM1S1H"] NONE Identify the organ from which this tissue originates. A stomach mouth small intestine liver gallbladder [#FRAME:"ABM1S5G"] EXAM_6 Rugae and gastric pits can be found in which digestive organ? C mouth esophagus stomach small intestine large intestine [#FRAME:"ABM1S5I"] NONE Stress and smoking inhibit the stomach from secreting digestive juices and thus increase the chances of developing an ulcer. B true false [#FRAME:"ABM1S5JI"] NONE Which of the following produces bile? C parietal cells pancreas liver parotid glands villi [#FRAME:"ABM1S6D"] NONE Identify this structure that is found in the small intestine. B gastric pit villus rugae pancreas salivary gland [#FRAME:"ABM1S7C"] EXAM_10 Which of the following cannot be found in an intestinal villus? C blood a lacteal stratified squamous epithelium capillaries All of the above can be found in a villus. [#FRAME:"ABM1S7G"] NONE Which of the following is NOT a component of the large intestine? C cecum sigmoid colon ileum ascending colon All of the above are parts of the large intestine. [#FRAME:"ABM1S8B"] NONE Which of the following can be found between the descending colon and the rectum? D ascending colon transverse colon cecum sigmoid colon none of the above [#FRAME:"ABM1S7G"] NONE The large intestine is larger in diameter, but shorter in length, than the small intestine. A true false [#FRAME:"ABM1S8E"] NONE The presence of feces in the rectum stimulates parasympathetic and local reflexes that result in defecation. A true false [#FRAME:"ABM1S8E"] NONE Identify this histological layer of the digestive system. B serosa muscularis mucosa submucosa [#FRAME:"ABM1S2A"] EXAM_16 Carbohydrate digestion begins in which of the following locations? A mouth stomach small intestine [#FRAME:"ABM2S1B"] NONE The U.S. Department of Agriculture recommends eating more "Breads, cereals, rice, and pasta" than any of the other food groups. A true false [#FRAME:"ABM2S1A"] NONE Which of the following happens last? A electron transport system glycolysis citric acid cycle [#FRAME:"ABM2S1C"] NONE According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, which of the following should comprise the smallest percentage of your diet? D fruits vegetables breads fats and sweets milk and cheese [#FRAME:"ABM2S2A"] NONE Pyruvic acid produces lactic acid via B aerobic respiration. anaerobic respiration. [#FRAME:"ABM2S2C"] NONE Fatty acids can be broken down by beta-oxidation into acetyl-CoA. A true false [#FRAME:"ABM2S3A"] NONE Essential amino acids are those which cannot be synthesized by the human body. How many different essential amino acids exist for adult humans? C none-only children have "essential" amino acids 2 8 23 46 [#FRAME:"ABM2S1D"] NONE From what specific structure of the respiratory system did this tissue originate? B nose lung trachea larynx none of the above [#FRAME:"ABM2S2G"] EXAM_24 Identify this structure found in the respiratory system. C epiglottis bronchus trachea larynx bronchiole [#FRAME:"ABM3S1B"] EXAM_25 Identify this structure found in the respiratory system. B epiglottis bronchus trachea larynx bronchiole [#FRAME:"ABM3S1B"] EXAM_26 Identify this structure found in the respiratory system. A epiglottis bronchus trachea larynx bronchiole [#FRAME:"ABM3S2A"] EXAM_27 Which of the following best represents Boyle's law, and how it is relevant to the respiratory system? D The temperature of the air in the lungs directly affects the rate of ventilation. The volume in the thoracic cavity is directly proportional to its temperature. The pressure in the thoracic cavity is directly proportional to its volume. The pressure in the thoracic cavity is inversely proportional to its volume. [#FRAME:"ABM3S3H"] NONE Which of the following structures are the most numerous? E bronchiole terminal bronchiole tertiary bronchus primary bronchus alveoli [#FRAME:"ABM3S2C"] NONE Which of the following will expand the thoracic cavity? A the contraction of the intercostal muscles and the contraction of the diaphragm the relaxation of the intercostal muscles and the contraction of the diaphragm the contraction of the intercostal muscles and the relaxation of the diaphragm the relaxation of the intercostal muscles and the relaxation of the diaphragm [#FRAME:"ABM3S3A"] NONE Carbon dioxide dissolves in the plasma, where most of it forms carbonic acid and binds with the heme units in the hemoglobin. B true false [#FRAME:"ABM3S6B"] NONE Which of the following describes the movement of carbon dioxide from the blood to the alveolus? D active transport phagocytosis pinocytosis diffusion exocytosis [#FRAME:"ABM3S6B"] NONE Identify this structure found in the respiratory system. E nose epiglottis trachea larynx bronchiole [#FRAME:"ABM3S2F"] EXAM_33 A decrease in carbon dioxide levels in the blood will likely lead to B a decrease in blood pH. an increase in blood pH. an increased number of alveolar sacs. a decreased number of alveolar sacs. none of the above [#FRAME:"ABM3S6D"] NONE A decrease in blood pH can be caused by an increase in blood CO2. A true false [#FRAME:"ABM3S6D"] NONE Identify this structure found in the respiratory system. B terminal bronchiole alveoli trachea bronchus bronchiole [#FRAME:"ABM3S2C"] EXAM_36 Identify this structure found in the respiratory system. A terminal bronchiole alveoli trachea bronchus bronchiole [#FRAME:"ABM3S2C"] EXAM_37 Which of the following can be caused by smoking cigarettes? F emphysema chronic bronchitis lung cancer inhalation of carbon monoxide all of the above [#FRAME:"ABM3S5D"] NONE Which of the following represents the largest volume of air? E tidal volume vital capacity residual volume inspiratory reserve volume total lung capacity [#FRAME:"ABM3S7B"] NONE Which of the following represents the volume of air inspired by a normal inspiration? A tidal volume inspiratory capacity vital capacity residual volume none of the above [#FRAME:"ABM3S7B"] NONE Identify this organ of the urinary system. A kidney ureter urinary bladder ureter none of the above [#FRAME:"ABM3S2A"] EXAM_41 In which of the following organs is urine produced? A kidney urethra ureter bladder Urine is produced in all of the above organs. [#FRAME:"ABM4S1A"] NONE Blood enters the kidney by means of the ____ and leaves the kidneys by means of the _______. C urethra/ureter ureter/urethra renal artery/renal veins renal veins/renal artery nephrons/bladder [#FRAME:"ABM4S1E"] NONE Which of the following structures carries urine from the bladder to the exterior? D renal artery renal vein ureter urethra aorta [#FRAME:"ABM4S1D"] NONE Which of the following is the functional unit of the kidney? A nephron calyx renal papillae renal capsule renal column [#FRAME:"ABM4S2D"] NONE Approximately how many nephrons are in each kidney? D between 100 and 500 between 1000 and 5000 between 10,000 and 100,000 about 1 million over 50 million [#FRAME:"ABM4S2D"] EXAM_46 Identify this specific structure of a kidney. C cortex medulla renal papilla renal pelvis renal pyramid [#FRAME:"ABM4S2B"] EXAM_47 Under normal conditions, which of the following fluids has the lowest quantity of glucose? C plasma glomerular filtrate urine [#FRAME:"ABM4S3G"] NONE Which of the following events happen at the glomerulus and the glomerular capsule? C secretion reabsorption filtration [#FRAME:"ABM4S3I"] NONE Decreased levels of antidiuretic hormone will lead to B a decreased volume of urine. an increased volume of urine. [#FRAME:"ABM4S4A"] NONE Which of the following best describes the function of aldosterone on kidney function? A It increases the rate at which sodium ions are absorbed, and potassium and hydrogen ions are secreted. It decreases the rate at which sodium ions are absorbed, and potassium and hydrogen ions are secreted. It increases the rate at which potassium ions are absorbed, and sodium and hydrogen ions are secreted. It decreases the rate at which potassium ions are absorbed, and sodium and hydrogen ions are secreted. [#FRAME:"ABM4S4C"] NONE Increased levels of antidiuretic hormone will lead to A decreased volume of urine. increased volume of urine. [#FRAME:"ABM4S4A"] NONE Identify this specific structure of a nephron. C glomerulus proximal convoluted tubule nephron loop distal convoluted tubule collecting duct [#FRAME:"ABM4S2I"] EXAM_53 Urine formation begins at the (be as specific as possible). D kidney nephron nephron loop renal corpuscle renal pelvis [#FRAME:"ABM4S3A"] NONE Identify this specific structure of a nephron. D glomerulus proximal convoluted tubule nephron loop distal convoluted tubule collecting duct [#FRAME:"ABM4S2I"] EXAM_55 Under normal conditions, which of the following fluids has the highest concentration of urea? C plasma glomerular filtrate urine [#FRAME:"ABM4S3G"] NONE Which of the following structures produces and secretes antidiuretic hormone? E distal convoluted tubules proximal convoluted tubules renal cortex renal medulla pituitary gland [#FRAME:"ABM4S4A"] NONE Identify this organ of the urinary system. B kidney ureters renal artery renal vein none of the above [#FRAME:"ABM4S1A"] EXAM_58 Identify this organ of the urinary system. C kidney ureters renal artery renal vein none of the above [#FRAME:"ABM4S1A"] EXAM_59 Identify this organ of the urinary system. D kidney ureters renal artery renal vein none of the above [#FRAME:"ABM4S1A"] EXAM_60 From which specific portion of the urinary system did this tissue originate? B renal medulla renal cortex renal capsule urinary bladder ureter [#FRAME:"ABM4S2G"] EXAM_61 From which specific portion of the urinary system did this tissue originate? A renal medulla renal cortex renal capsule urinary bladder ureter [#FRAME:"ABM4S2H"] EXAM_62 Each human kidney has approximate 1 million nephrons. A true false [#FRAME:"ABM4S2D"] NONE What type of fluid can be found in a glomerulus? C filtrate urine blood saliva [#FRAME:"ABM4S3B"] NONE Most of the water that is initially filtered into a nephron at the glomerular capsule is reabsorbed back into the blood. A true false [#FRAME:"ABM4S3B"] NONE Which of the following best describes the active transport of a substance from the distal convoluted tubules into the blood? A tubular secretion tubular reabsorption glomerular filtration [#FRAME:"ABM4S3C"] NONE Which of the following best describes the water moving from the loop of the nephron to the blood? B tubular secretion tubular reabsorption glomerular filtration [#FRAME:"ABM4S3B"] NONE Which of the following events are used for the production of urine? D osmosis active transport diffusion all of the above [#FRAME:"ABM4S3C"] NONE The reabsorption of water occurs primarily in which of the following structures? D proximal convoluted tubules distal convoluted tubules loop of the nephron collecting ducts All of the above play equal roles in the reabsorption of water. [#FRAME:"ABM4S3D"] NONE Water can move from the collecting ducts to the blood by means of this specific process. A osmosis active transport filtration all of the above [#FRAME:"ABM4S3D"] NONE Which of the following structures is the specific target of ADH? D proximal convoluted tubules distal convoluted tubules loop of the nephron collecting ducts All of the above play equal roles in the reabsorption of water. [#FRAME:"ABM4S3F"] NONE In response to lower blood pressure, the kidney will secrete ____. C cortisol ADH renin aldosterone plasma [#FRAME:"ABM4S4D"] NONE Which of the following represents the greatest total volume? D plasma interstitial fluid lymph intracellular fluid All of the above are equally distributed. [#FRAME:"ABM5S1A"] NONE There is a higher concentration of sodium in the intracellular fluid than there is in the extracellular fluid. B true false [#FRAME:"ABM5S1C"] NONE There is a higher concentration of potassium in the intracellular fluid than there is in the extracellular fluid. A true false [#FRAME:"ABM5S1C"] NONE